Focus on helping @5 realize that the ' behavior you want stopped is inappropriate, ' unfair or unworthy. ' ' Children have a good, if somewhat immature, ' sense of what is right and what it wrong. But, ' often things are right or wrong or sometimes ' marginal shades of grey. Casting the inappro- ' priate behavior firmly in the wrong category, ' will often eliminated it. ' ' STOPPING UNDESIRABLE BEHAVIOR ' ' All children like to have a sense that what they' do fits the situation or the provocation, as the' case may be. You, with your greater range of ' experience, can often demonstrate how a partic- ' ular behavior does not fit inspite of what ' @3 thinks. Don't be hesitant to do so. ' ' Ask yourself: ' * What is actually wrong or inappropriate ' about this behavior? ' * What is to best way to communicate that ' to @5? ' * What behavior would fit better? ' ' ' '